The majority of positive Torah mitzvos that are applicable today when there's no Beis HaMikdash, are Bein Adam L'Chaveiro. Most of the rest are derabannan. Come and develop into a vechalachto b'drachav - someone who walks in the ways of Hashem.
HaGaon Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits, shlit"a, Rosh Yeshiva of Aish HaTorah and Rosh Kollel of the Jerusalem Kollel 
Rabbinical Advisor of the Hilchos Bein Adam L'Chaveiro Program
Join us Motzoi Shabbos, February 26th for the Zoom Shiur on the Topic of:
Emes and Sheker: 
Are Little White Lies Allowed?
  • This will be an interactive live shiur for Torah women
  • Its ​based on Kollel Linas Hatzedek’s sheets of Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, shlit"a.
  • ​Discover practical applications of the mitzva 'm'dvar sheker tirchak'
  • Find out how to be a yashar person while protecting your dignity and privacy
  • ​Gain confidence in your ability to navigate sensitive situations when it really matters
  • ​Engage and connect with with Torah women from around the world
For more information, tuition and application 
please fill out the form below
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Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits Speaking About How Hilchos Bein Adam LChaveiro Program Can Impact Someone's Life
What participants say about our programs:
“The material [that Rabbi Gefen’s programs cover] brings it down to the Halacha l'Maaseh. It's great. I feel like I know what's going on. The kids also see … and it sets the tone for what's important in the family". 

“Rabbi Gefen ran his program for [us] in Johannesburg. We achieved tremendous clarity … which is what you want when you learn halacha.”

“For people like me who are working full-time, this program was ideal…”
Rabbi Gefen grew up in London. He never imagined becoming a Rabbi, and certainly did not see himself as someone teaching Torah to hundreds of people.  Yet, after twenty years of intensive learning, Rabbi Gefen found his calling as a disseminator of Halacha, with particular focus on the wide-ranging and highly relevant halachos of Shabbos.  This turned into the online 'Kinyan Hilchos Shabbos Program' that has been drawing hundreds of talmidim from around the world who testify to the inestimable value of this course, and how it has a tremendous positive effect not only on themselves but on their entire families. Rabbi Gefen has now focused his efforts on creating the same structured program about sugyos of Bein Adam L’chaveiro as well and making it available for serious and motivated participants.
Rabbi Gefen is a very close student of HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Berkovits shlit’a and was a Rosh Chabura in his famed Kollel for over eight years. Rabbi Gefen developed a deep understanding of the laws of Bein Adam L'Chaveiro beginning with the Gemara sources, going through the gamut of Rishonim and Acharonim, and reaching the practical halacha. Using Kollel Linas HaTzedek's Rav Berkovits’ tremendous source sheets, Rabbi Gefen took on the monumental task of translating these sheets into English, adding the main opinions of the Poskim. In this way, a busy working person with limited time, using both Hebrew and English materials, can learn Hilchos Bein Adam L'Chaveiro with all the relevant sources.
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